Centro Educativo |
IES Gabriel Aresti BHI
Artalandio, z/g
48990 Getxo
Persona de contacto: José Ignacio Carasusa
Etapas y Áreas |
Etapa y ciclo:
Secundaria. 2º ciclo
Área o áreas:
English / History
Datos de la experiencia |
Título / Eje de trabajo:
Consuming societies and Develpment
Links between consumer society and development.
Knowledge and information on multinational enterprises and their "modus operandi".
To get basic knowledge on economics: World Market, production, plusvalia, National Brute Product (NBP), productive organisation, work distribution and wealth distribution. Individual and national rent.
Basic knowledge on fair trade.
-Working Group Task. Check lists of sportswear clothes and trade marks usually weared by pupils, or those taht are popular among them.
-Working Group Task. Small research on trade marks and multinationels. What do they produce, where. How muchdo they spend on salaries, advertising, etc.
-Individual Task. Collect advertisments of well known different trade mark products.
-Working Group Task. Advertisment/publicity analisys. Motivating questions: To which public do they address their publicity?; What kind of images or music do they use to make their products more attractive?; etc.
-Plenary. Video Phorum. video "Juventud y Manipulación", "Youth and manipulation" by Voz de los Sin Voz. Analysis card to describe and understand the video.
-Individual Task. To fill in the analysis card. To write down an essay and personal comments on the video.
-Plenary. Sharing the individual task results. Debate over a check list questionaire previously prepared by the teacher How do they promote and sell their products? Where do they produce? Who and where do the hardwork? Which are their working conditions? In what country do we find the origin of the multinational enterprises? Which is the amount of their benefits? Which is the distribution of goods for consume, expenses and wealth distribution? Is this good or bad for third world countries where multinationals are settled? Which are the links between multinationals and poverty, environment, human rights or North-South relatonships?
-Plenary. Summing up done by the teacher.
-Working Group Task. Workshop. To do a poster showing the abussing practices of multinational enterprises.
-Plenary. Posters show. Final debate on consumer society and development.
-Consume critic guide and handbook, Guía educativa para el consumo crítico by Sodepaz.
-Done in dignity Campaign. Campaña Ropa Limpia by Setem.
Video Youth and manipulation, Juventud y Manipulación by Voz de los sin Voz.
-Mundilab library.
-Advertising photo packs.
-Sportswear multinationals check list.
Participación otros agentes comunidad educativa:
Experiencia desarrollada en colaboración entre los seminarios de inglés y ciencias sociales. La idea de establecer relaciones entre las sociedades de consumo y el desarrollo se realiza mediante la reflexión en torno a actos de consumo cotidiano sobre los que los jóvenes, chicos y chicas, tienen su propia experiencia. Mediante un proceso guiado el alumnado descubre las relaciones entre consumo y desarrollo, el funcionamiento de las multinacionales y el papel de organismos como el Banco Mundial o la Organización Mundial de Comercio.